Wednesday 12 May 2010

Hi there, welcome back, good to see some familiar faces around.......ehm....ok then. So last night i went out to this party across the corridor from my flat and there was a great ratio of guys to girls. There was something like 30 girls and 5 guys, i mean i had never been to a party where there were more girls then guys so it came as a shock at first. Anyways, i started walking around, started speaking to the girls until i got into a deep conversation with this one girl. After a while she asks me where I'm from and where i used to live so i told her. I said i was born in Romania but grew up in Dubai and now live here in Leeds for university. You want to know what she asked after? She asked if its really dangerous there and that if everyone who goes is risking their lives! I mean how fracking stupid and close minded can this girl be!? This always happens though, i mean Ive been asked oh, do you ride a camel to school or do you have a satellite TV?! are you kidding people? Dubai is one of the richest cities in the world. Back to the girl though. I kinda stop showing an interest in her after a while because we were not going to get anywhere, plus she was almost passed out on the seat anyways, I mean i could count the seconds until she would pass out, she wasn't going to make it out of the flat to go to the club. But ye the only reason i brought that up was so you guys don't ask me these stupid questions. So everyone is doing great? ye? good! Well Ive just had lunch and need to get on with my work, even though i really can not be bothered, i mean i would rather mug a stop sign then do my work, but hey, it has to be done. Enough for now, see you guys later. peace

Tuesday 11 May 2010

So....The reason to why I decided to start my own blog is because I have always wanted to be a writer. Weird right? I mean I'm doing an architecture course at university so that I can have a promising future blah blah. Your wondering why I just didn't go into writing instead? I wish I knew, I mean there could be several reasons. For example: I'm not very good at writing, I mean I'm quite creative don't get me wrong but I don't see myself sitting at a desk and just shooting out ideas, I wish I could. Hopefully this blog will aid my lack of writing skills and expand my imagination. Enough about that though, am I not entertaining you? I think I am...."you" as in me, because there is nobody on the other end reading this. This journal that I have started is really quite contagious so I am going to distract myself and hopefully will not be on here for another few hours, maybe insha allah till tomorrow. If you are wondering insha allah means if god wills it in Arabic and now your wondering why I used an Arabic word, well that's for another conversation, another time, as for now I am going to cook myself some stir fry with some steamed rice and just a spoon full of soy sauce. Goodbye

The Beginning

Hello readers, seeing as this is my first ever post on my first ever blog, you would think that I would have something to actually say. I dont though. Im just sitting here infront of my computer and I cant think of absolutely anything that I would like to talk about. At first I thought hey this would be such a great idea and it is, I mean I love the fact that I can actually talk to someone, well, I'm talking to myself really, but its fun, its great that I can just say anything I want, whenever I want, no matter how obscenely stupid it may sound.